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SharePoint Problems and Setting It Up Right The First Time 📂

We have seen it too many times. A business or non-profit is using SharePoint but experiencing too many day-to-day issues. SharePoint is a wonderful file mangement platform but needs to be set up correctly the first time. 

Common SharePoint Issues:

    1. Slow load times: Slow load times can be caused by a variety of factors, such as large file sizes, too many users accessing the site at once, or insufficient server resources. To fix this issue, you can try optimizing the file sizes of your documents, reducing the number of users accessing the site at the same time, or increasing server resources such as RAM or CPU.

    2. Permissions errors: Permissions errors can occur when a user does not have the proper access level to a document or site. To fix this issue, check the permissions settings for the site or document in question and ensure that the user has the correct permissions. You can also try resetting the user’s permissions or clearing their cache.

    3. Broken links: Broken links can occur when a file is moved or deleted, leaving behind a link that no longer works. To fix this issue, you can try using a link checker tool to identify and fix broken links, or manually update the links to point to the correct file or site.

    4. Syncing issues: Syncing issues can occur when documents are not syncing properly between SharePoint and local devices, causing discrepancies between the two. To fix this issue, try resetting the sync connection or using a different syncing tool.

    5. Search problems: Search problems can occur when SharePoint is unable to locate the desired documents or files. To fix this issue, you can try optimizing the search settings, such as increasing the crawl rate or updating the search index.

Setting up SharePoint sites and Teams 

Thinking through your SharePoint buildout before migrating files or releasing it to your staff is crucial for ensuring a smooth and efficient collaboration experience for your team. Here are some reasons why it’s important to do it correctly:

  1. Organizational efficiency: SharePoint sites and Teams are designed to help teams collaborate on projects and documents in an organized and efficient way. By setting up the right site structure from the beginning, you can ensure that your team can easily find the files and resources they need, without wasting time searching through cluttered and disorganized sites.

  2. User adoption: When SharePoint sites and Teams are set up properly, users are more likely to adopt and use them regularly. By providing a clear structure and making it easy for users to access the information they need, they are more likely to incorporate SharePoint into their workflow and benefit from its collaborative features.

  3. Security and compliance: SharePoint is designed to provide granular control over file and site permissions, allowing administrators to ensure that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized users. By setting up sites and Teams correctly, you can ensure that the right people have access to the right information, while protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access.

  4. Scalability: As your organization grows and your needs evolve, it’s important to have a scalable SharePoint structure in place. By setting up sites and Teams correctly from the start, you can avoid the need to reorganize and migrate files later on, which can be time-consuming and disruptive to your team’s workflow.

SharePoint Support

If you find that SharePoint issues are causing you pain and reduced productivity reach out today! SharePoint is supposed to be an easy to use file mangement system when set up correctly. By looking at your SharePoint Admin Center we can see what is causing your issues as well as the best way to fix these issues.

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